It's no accident you are here.
Are You Ready To Become A Global Conscious Equality Expert?
This program provides you with everything you need to become a Global Conscious Gender Equality Expert at an accelerated pace. 

Master the vocabulary, skills, tools & frameworks, as well as our ground breaking Conscious Equality Methodology over 6 months through video modules, applied practice, weekly mentoring & a community of practice.
Turn your passion for gender equality into a successful, meaningful global career 
so you can do the work you love, scale your impact, travel the world and 
promote meaningful, sustainable change through our Conscious Equality Methodology.
Are you ready to become a Global Conscious Gender Equality Expert ?

This program provides you with everything you need to become a
  Global Conscious Gender Equality Expert at an accelerated pace.

Master the vocabulary, skills, tools & frameworks,  as well as our 
ground breaking Conscious Equality Methodology over 6 months through
video modules, applied practice, weekly  mentoring &  a community of practice 

Turn your passion for gender equality into a successful, meaningful global career
so you can do the work you love, scale your impact, travel the world and 
promote meaningful, sustainable change through our
Conscious Equality Methodology.

It is time to step into your calling to
become a Global Conscious Gender Equality Expert.

Start living your best life NOW.

If It is time to step into your calling to  become a Global Conscious Gender Equality Expert. 

Start living your best life NOW.
This unique program offers you ALL you need to know to accelerate and elevate your work and career as a Global Conscious Gender Equality Expert.
I constantly get messages from people asking me to teach them how to become a globally recognized Gender Equality Expert like myself. 

They ask me things like:

"How do I learn to do what you do so well?"

"How do I effectively use, explain and teach others about the right gender equality vocabulary?" 

"How can I apply holistic frameworks and practical tools to promote gender equality in any sector?"

"How do I raise funds for my organization by designing industry leading gender responsive program proposals?"

"How do I generate influence and impact, without unintentionally causing new problems?"

"How do I create a sustainable income and work across the globe to promote gender equality?" 

"How do I position myself as true gender equality authority in my industry and attract high paying opportunities globally as a speaker,  a  trainer, a thought leader or a global consultant? ”

I constantly get messages from people asking me teach them how to become a globally recognized Gender Equality Expert like myself.

They ask me things like:

"How do I learn to do what you do so well?"

"How do I effectively use, explain and teach others about the right gender equality vocabulary?"

"How can I apply holistic frameworks and practical tools to promote gender equality in any sector?"

"How do I raise funds for my organization by designing industry leading gender responsive program proposals?"

"How do I generate influence and impact, without unintentionally causing new problems?"

"How do I create a sustainable income and work across the globe to promote gender equality?"

"How do I position myself as true gender equality authority in my industry and attract high paying opportunities globally as a speaker, a trainer, a thought leader or a global consultant?”
These messages come so often that I can't possibly respond to all of them, and if did, it wouldn't be of any real service to each individual or myself.
I have been wanting to create a space in which I definitively answer all of these questions with in-depth, step-by-step instructions that anyone who wanted to learn could follow.

The truth is, I am very passionate about teaching others and sharing the knowledge I have gained over an incredible 20 year global career promoting gender equality for communities, corporations, not-for-profits, programs, policies and governments.

You see, if you haven't noticed already... I don't operate like other Gender Equality Practitioners.

I developed and use a conscious approach to promoting gender equality.  
I Don't Operate Like Most 
Gender Equality Experts 
I don't operate like most
Gender Equality Practitioners
I built a rewarding global career promoting Conscious Equality and I have done this
effortlessly, in flow & without "struggling". 
I built a rewarding global career promoting Conscious Equality and I have done this
effortlessly, in flow & without "struggling".
The global career and lifestyle I live, where promoting Conscious Gender Equality is synchronous with alignment and flow, is also accessible to you too.

Actually, if Gender Equality is your passion, it's inherent within you.

Refining your technical skills and growing your career isn't about being inauthentic and selling out. 

It's about getting clear on your personal goals, taking strategic action and facilitating Conscious Gender Equality across the globe while you live a lifestyle and a career that is powerfully and authentically aligned with YOU. 

I wake up every day to a life I love, doing work I am passionate about and that makes a huge difference in this world.
Most days, I spend my time following my highest excitement—whether that’s adventuring across the globe, hosting Conscious Equality Masterminding events in exotic locations, speaking at different conferences, interviewing Gender Equality influencers on my podcasts and collaborating with them. 

I have created results like:

- Being recognized by the Obama White House Administration as one of the top 100 leading gender equality change makers in 2016.

- Founding ground breaking initiatives such as the African Women in STEM Initiative which has accelerated collaboration and progress for women in STEM across Africa).

-Successfully helping to raise over $100,000 million in 3.5 years through industry leading gender transformative programming.

- Bringing together and curating some of the world's most game changing conversations on gender equality, which have, in turn, impacted policy, program and project practices.

- I have traveled and worked on gender equality initiatives all over the globe including  Canada, USA, Thailand, Brazil, Colombia, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Africa... the list goes on and on!

- Cutting edge frameworks, tools and strategies I have developed have been adopted as good practice by large global international NGOs and my training sessions (which I offer in this program) have also been integrated into mandatory training for other organizations.

- I have scaled my income to six figures (and growing) easily doing interesting and diverse work across the globe. 
I am here to teach you...
How to consciously and systematically promoting gender equality in your field, sector or region. 

How to turn your passion for equality into a rewarding, fulfilling career that also makes a difference in the world. 
How to scale impact, influence, and income in gender equality when you apply all that I teach you over 10 weeks.

My program is for those that are that are committed to channeling their unique gifts in service of promoting Conscious Gender Equality in the world. 
The World Is Waiting For You To Shine
The world is waiting for you
I believe...
Each of us have been given a unique set of gifts and life experiences to equip us for the contribution we’re meant to provide the world. 

Like a puzzle, each of us has a piece, unlike any other, that is essential to the completion of the whole. 

Your journey, and the lessons you have learned along the way, have the capacity to inspire transformation in others and improve the quality of their lives. 

There is tremendous need and value in your contribution to promoting Conscious Gender Equality across the globe!
There are people waiting for you to step into your power to transform the world.
There are people in this world who are waiting for you to step into your power
This course is designed to teach you how to increase your influence, impact & income in the world just by being you.
Either you’ve felt the calling to scale your voice and use your gifts to serve something bigger than yourself, and are ready to truly embody your leadership potential and make real waves in this world;

Or you’re currently feeling limited in your impact and income, and are looking for a step by step road map to automate and scale your work.

Apply Now
Apply Now
The Conscious Equality Accelerator Program is an invite-only community. 

Schedule an interview for a chance to enroll.
This is a unique program that teaches an enlightened, conscious approach to promoting gender equality. This is a completely new dimension to equality work founded by Karen and transforms how we address equality issues in our lives and in our world. 

Over 6 months you will learn all you need to know to become a Global Conscious Gender Equality at an accelerated pace, doing what you love and loving what you do.

This unique program was designed with YOU in mind. Whether you're a beginner looking to transition into this field or have already worked in this field for a while are a ready to step up your career, this program will equip you with the knowledge, frameworks, tools and mindset that you need to thrive and succeed with ease.

By taking this program, you will accelerate your ability to  influence, impact and income as a Conscious Global Gender Equality Expert.
My mission is to empower the next generation of gender equality advocates and change makers to become the Global Leaders they were born to be, so that they can create aligned, purpose-driven careers that do good on a large scale.
If you want to learn how to become a Global Conscious Gender Equality Expert and increase your influence, impact and income, this Program is for YOU. 

Our ideal registrants fall into one of these 2 categories:

The Conscious Equality Accelerator Program is perfect for those who are starting out and looking to grow their careers quickly by unlocking their hidden talents and skills. 

Our curriculum will walk you from the basics all the way through the advanced gender equality concepts, frameworks, tools and strategies.

From mainstreaming gender equality in programs and projects to bringing gender equality to life in organizations and applying gender equality across governments, you will learn everything you need to know to take your career to the next level and to grow your customer base worldwide.

It is your complete, all-in-one guide to becoming and positioning yourself as a global conscious equality expert from the ground up.

There will be plenty of space to ask questions, collaborate with others, and receive individual support on our weekly calls & in our private Facebook Group.

Are you already an existing Gender Equality Practitioner and looking to take your career to the next level?
The Conscious Equality Program will provide you with new skills sets  so you can offer additional services as well as strategies and frameworks to expand your  influence, impact and income.

Are you feeling stuck or experiencing a plateau in your career when you know you could be doing so much more?

This program provides you with my personal proven and tested road map as well as on going support to help you launch and grow your career 
as a Global Conscious Gender Equality Expert.

Review and polish your technical skills through the video modules, receive individual support on our weekly calls & in our private facebook group.


This highly unique program  teaches you  technical gender equality skills and also trains you on my proprietary Conscious Equality Approach, which reveals incredible insights into how we can create transformation that is aligned with the Universal Laws. With each set of video modules, you will gain highly practical and immediately applicable frameworks, tools and strategies for promoting gender equality in any context and build your own capacity to apply the Conscious Equality Approach in your life and work.  

Week 1: Foundations: Gender Equality Concepts
Build a strong conceptual foundation and learning the actual meaning and implications behind each concept as well as how to use them to inform your work. Learn about the first Universal Law and how it informs our Conscious Equality Approach.

Week 2:  Gender Mainstreaming vs Gender Integration
Gain clarity on the difference is between gender mainstreaming and gender integration,  when to apply these approaches and what is involved. Learn about the second Universal Law and how it informs on our Conscious Equality Approach.

Week 3: A Holistic Framework for Gender Equality & A Framework for Assessing Projects & Programs 
Get access to my proprietary holistic framework for addressing gender equality which you can apply in any sector or regional context to make sure you are doing equality work holistically. Learn about the third Universal Law and how it informs our Conscious Equality Approach.

Week 4: Gender Equality in Projects & Programs
Learn my personal framework for addressing gender equality systematically across project and program cycles. 
Learn about the forth Universal Law and how it informs our Conscious Equality Approach.

Week 5: Gender Equality in Organizations
Learn my personal framework for addressing gender equality in organizations.
Learn about the fifth Universal Law and how it informs our Conscious Equality Approach. 

Week 6: Critical Gender Equality Strategies
Learn strategies and tips to engage men and boys meaningfully and to address resistance and generating buy in effectively.  Learn about the sixth Universal Law and how it informs our Conscious Equality Approach.

Week 7: Gender Equality in Policies and Governments
Learn my personal frameworks for integrating gender equality in national policies and enabling governments to deliver on their gender equality commitments.  Learn about the seventh Universal Law and how it informs our Conscious Equality Approach

Week 8:  Gender Equality Audits
Learn how to conduct Gender Equality Audits for programs and organizations and benefit from best practices and insights gained from having completed 8 customized Gender Equality Audits to date. 

Week 9:  Gender Issues in Specific Topics / Areas 
Unpack gender equality issues in specific sectors of interest or topics of interest such as " understanding the Canadian Feminist International Assistance Policy" or "gender and climate change"(to be determined based on participants' interest)

Week 10: Becoming a Recognized Thought Leader in Gender Equality
Learn and apply my personal road map for positioning myself as a Global Conscious Equality Expert. Apply it to yourself and start to attract new opportunities and recognition! Learn about the final Universal Law and how it informs our Conscious Equality Approach. 
David Peck
“Karen is leading the way, shaping the next generation of development thinking and gender equality theory and practice. 

Karen is a one-of-a-kind powerhouse who leaves you energized, motivated and able to tackle issues - from your living room, to the boardroom, to a remote village. Anyone seeking to deliver on equality - do it RIGHT should be working with Karen. If you aren't - YOU SHOULD BE!"

David Peck,
Founder of So Change,
Director of Public Engagement,
World Vision. (2017)

Kelly Glass
"When organizational staff hear “sensitivity training” or "workplace harassment training”, they sometimes become resistant or switch off. We wanted to work with an expert who engaged staff, got them on board and also made it ‘stick’.

Having interviewed other experts in the field, what stood out about Karen was her authenticity and direct approach. She speaks from business realities, not a text book.

Once on board, Karen was very proactive: she took the time to understand our organization, checked in with us as she developed content, tailored her work to resonate with our organization and delivered on time on all agreed timelines. During the sessions, Karen quickly established her credibility and created a safe space by skillfully involving everyone in the discussions, including dissenting voices, which is not easy when people come from different cultures, religions, sexual orientations etc.

Karen exceeded our expectations because she didn’t just deliver the run-of-the-mill training. She brought our corporate values to life in a way that made them meaningful to everyone in the room and ultimately, impacted the organizational culture. After the sessions the feedback from every level of the organisation was consistently positive. Leadership and staff loved Karen’s energy, her story telling approach, her real life examples, and her contagious passion for equality."

Kelly Glass,
VP & Head of HR,
Interac Association & Acxsys Corporation (2017)
Deborah Mensah Awere
"Karen is a dynamic pioneer in the field of Gender Equality and Inclusion. She is always seeking new and innovative ways to address gender and inclusion issues ensuring best practice and evidence within her field is adapted for a variety of cultures and contexts.

Karen shines when she is delivering in country training on gender and inclusion and our partners love the practical elements of her gender training, which often includes community based engagement. Her experience designing programs, gender equality strategies and work with a broad array of institutional donors such as Global Affairs Canada has been a huge asset to us at effect: hope. Her comfort in working in both Anglophone and Francophone projects and countries has been of tremendous value in our project in Kenya and Cote D’Ivoire. The length and breadth of her experience in the field of gender equality within different countries, contexts, languages and systems is truly exceptional.
Karen is an absolute pleasure to work with because she does not shy away from complex projects or fragile situations which require more effort and flexibility on her part. These situations rather energize her and - as a result - those of us who work with her - so that together we can make a difference in ensuring that local gender and inclusion issues are addressed in a meaningful way.

Thank you Karen for sharing your experience with us. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with you and to tackling more projects where gender, equity and health intersect and where change can be made to increase access to vital health services for all!"

Deborah Mensah Awere,
Director, International Programs,
effect:hope (2017)

Belinda Ketel 
"Karen is a powerful, positive and creative energy. Working with her is a transformational experience at the individual and organisational levels.

She is able to elicit new thought processes, lift limiting assumptions and move mind-sets in a simple, safe and enabling way. She is able to link deep levels of theory and models of practice with the everyday challenges that groups and organisations face in the equality space.

Karen is truly an amazing resource that brings meaningful thoughts, plans, actions and ultimate delivery to fruition."

Dr Belinda Ketel
Management Consulting, Training, Facilitation & Coaching (2017)
Hannah Rosen
“"Karen is truly an inspirational speaker by her own measure.  As a Master of Global Affairs student at the Munk School, I had the privilege of listening to Karen speak about her experience in the field of International Development. What is so important about Karen's work, is that she pushes the idea of gendered lens in all work within the field, which I believe professionals in and outside the industry should follow. 

In a short two hours, Karen has inspired me, motivated me, and taught me invaluable information based on experience. If you have a chance to attend one of her workshops, you will not be disappointed."

Hannah Rosen,
Mentor Program Manager,
Global Ideas Institute - Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto (2017)   ."
Nafissatou Faye
"I would nominate Karen to be amongst the top 10 people in the world that are advancing gender equality since she influences and concretely makes difference in women and most marginalized people lives. 

Under her guidance, GE is just practical : I reinforced my skills on how to develop a gender strategy aligned with project results, how to develop annual GE action plans, embed GE into baselines, strengthen project implementation on GE on the ground, gender audits….. The list is endless! 

It is known that Karen is an expert at Gender Equality but I can attest also that she is as well a great people leader, always ready to share her knowledge and skills with others."

Nafissatou Faye,
Senior Gender Advisor, Plan International Canada
Get to know Karen
"Equality and social justice has always been a central theme in my life so it's no surprise that I chose to make this my career in my early 20s.  Over the last 20 years I have traveled the globe, worked with communities, NGOs, Corporations, Governments and contributed to some amazing lasting results. 

I realized early on that I was not like other Practitioners because I worked from my heart as well as my head and soon I developed a Conscious Equality Approach that gives me deep insight to read situations and respond intuitively creating uniquely powerful results.  

My legacy in life is to teach what I have mastered to as many people as I can so that together, we can create lasting change once and for all.  

 Will you join me on this journey?

You don't have to wait 20 years - through this program I will illuminate the path for you to become a Global Conscious Gender Equality Expert in 6 months!"
Karen is a globally recognized Gender Equality Expert with over 20 years of diverse experience promoting gender equality for organizations, programs and governments in Africa, Asia, North America and Latin America. 
An Obama White House recognized Gender Equality Changemaker (June 2016) + Canadian Global Goodwill Ambassador (Jan 2018), Karen is a leading "go-to person" for organizations seeking to deliver on results on equality powerfully and meaningfully.

Karen is a global influencer & thought-leader with an Intl network of 7000+ D&I practitioners. She loves to partner with diverse stakeholders (corporate, government, not-for-profit, academia) to deliver effectively on gender equality, diversity, inclusion & accessibility - in Canada & overseas.

A visionary trailblazer, Karen excels in designing & bringing to life game-changing initiatives that have sector-wide impacts. She draws on her incredible depth & breadth of skills & experience to deliver on global equality powerfully. Her track record of partners and testimonials speaks for itself. Karen's unique perspective & innovative approach make her extremely effective. She has an innate gift for transforming individuals and organizations, engaging and empowering men & marginalized groups in this often tense work.

An engaging speaker, Karen delivers authentic keynote addresses, weaving in stories of her work and life that resonate deeply, igniting inspiration + action. With 20 yrs of intl global experience, Karen is a one-of-a-kind global expert. 

She has shared her expertise with CIBC, Women of Influence, Osler LLP, PwC Canada, adidas & Reebok Canada, Public Inc, CJRU: The Scope Radio Station (Ryerson) etc. 

She has advised leading NGOs in Canada and overseas (Plan International, Plan International Canada, MCIC, OCIC, ICN, CCA, CNA, CRC, CESO, DEVP, Oxfam Canada.) 

She also provided technical advice to several Government Agencies in Canada and overseas including: Government of St Lucia, Aboriginal Affairs & Northern Development Canada, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, Canadian Immigration Canada + Status of Women Councils across Canada on how to apply GBA+ (gender based analysis & intersectionality) in govt policies & frameworks.

IG: Karen Craggs
Watch The Masterclass
Free Masterclass
What's included in the Ppogram?
10 week online
video course
 This program will equip you with the vocabulary, frameworks, strategies you need  to become a Global Conscious Equality Expert. It is designed to provide every student with a strong foundation in Conscious Gender Equality and the ability to accelerate their impact, influence and career with ease.
Private online Facebook community of
 equality practitioners
Every step of the way you will be working with other experts to create the most immersive learning experience possible online.
Live weekly Q&A calls
Each week jump on one of the weekly group calls to have 1:1 support to have your questions answered and to get mentoring, support and feedback from Karen and the community.
Apply Now
Apply Now
The Conscious Equality Accelerator Program is an invite only community.
Schedule your interview and complete the application for a chance to enroll.
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© 2019 Conscious Equality Accelerator Program.  This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc.
Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.